Federico Kampf was born on July 30, 1981 in Tepotzotlán, Mexico.
Graduate of laws from the Faculty of Law Universidad Panamericana / Graduate of Philosofy by the Universidad Panamericana / Master in Law from the Same University / Diplomat in techniques and materials at the Academy of San Carlos (UNAM) / Diploma in Drawing in the same Institution / Cinematography at the Mexican Association of Independent Filmmakers / Diplomat in Narrative by the University Center for Cinematographic Studies (CUEC) / Diploma in scriptwriting by the same Institution
"He has more than 100 pictorial works, distributed in different series: GEN, GENS, MEXPSIQUE, DIOSAS WOMEN PROFANAS, ONTOLOGICAL WINDOWS made with materials such as oil, pastel, acrylic, encaustic, goauche, watercolor, tempera, etc".
He has participated in more than 40 collective and individual exhibitions of 2008 to date, among which are:
2010 The successful individual exhibition under the name "MEX-PSIQUE" in the Gallery of the Maison Du Mexique, in the city of Paris, France.
2012 The Le Siants Gallery (Barcelona / Prague) Held the Individual Exhibition titled DIOSAS MUJERES PROFANAS, in the City of Barcelona, ??Spain
Held the Exhibition entitled "Fusion of Time", At the University of Guanajuato, in the City of León, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2012- Individual exhibition "MEXICO, their traditions" At the Center for the Development of Visual Arts in Havana, Cuba
2013 Individual Exhibition Conference in the SAN ALEJANDRO FINE ARTS ACADEMY IN HAVANA, CUBA
2014 Exhibition Symbolic Archetypes. Museum of the City of Leon, Guanajuato.
2014 Exhibition Symbolic Archetypes. Beatriz de la Fuente Museum, Teotihuacan Archaeological Zone (FIRST VISUAL ARTIST IN THE HISTORY TO EXPOSE HIS WORK IN SUCH SPACE).
2016 Open Art Exhibition, Teatro dei Dioscuri al Quirinale. Rome Italy
2017 "RIFLESSIONI" Istituto Portoghese Di San´Antonio, en Rome Italy
"He has received several awards for his work in painting and filmmaking both in Mexico and abroad. He is an honorary member of the UNION OF THE WORKERS OF CULTURE"
71 m2 extension, Academy of Fine Arts of San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba. 2014
110 m2 of extension. Plaza de la República, Insurgentes Avenue, Mexico City. 2014
110 m2 in 5 walls. Chapel Tepotzotlán, State of Mexico. 2014
60 m2. Nopala Chapel, Hidalgo. 2015
160 M2 in 3 walls. Fraccionamiento Manantiales of Nopala, Nopala, Hidalgo. 2015
In Cuernavaca, Morelos.